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    How to choose a quality paint brush
    2018-11-22 08:07:51

      The use of paint brushes is mainly in small areas or difficult to apply, and the paint brush is not easy to spill paint. The high-quality paint brush has a large amount of paint, can evenly release the paint, the surface is smooth, and there will be no uneven thickness. How to choose a high-quality paint brush? Let's take a brief introduction.

      How to choose a quality paint brush?

      1. There must be a split at the end of the bristle, which can suck more paint and release the paint more evenly.

      2. The thick and thin tapered bristles can make the paint released by the paint brush slower and more uniform, which is convenient when used.

      3. The brush made of elastic bristles can maintain the overall shape.

      4, the bristles in the middle of the long short brush on both sides are easier to apply when brushing the edges and corners

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